

GeyserConnect is a extension for Geyser that allows you to join multiple servers using a single GeyserMC proxy.


(For GeyserConnect to work you need an open UDP port, by default it's 19132).

  1. Download the latest Geyser build from the downloads page
  2. Download the latest build from here
  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file, and put the extracted JAR file into the extensions folder in your GeyserMC standalone installation.
  4. Start Geyser standalone as you do with a normal Geyser install. EG: java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser.jar (More info on Creating a Startup Script)
  5. Shutdown the standalone Geyser instance, and make you're desired changes to the GeyserConnect configuration in GeyserConnect in the extensions folder.
  6. Connect to it to make sure its all working.


There are DNS (using bind9) configs in the repo if you would like to use them.


See here.