
Creating a Startup Script for Geyser-Standalone


In order for this to work, you MUST have Java 17 (or higher) installed!

Once you have downloaded and placed Geyser into its own folder, you will need to create a startup script; similar to how you'd run a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper server.


  • Create a new text file in the same location as the Geyser-Standalone jar file, and call it run.bat. Open this with a text editor (preferably Notepad++), and insert the text below:
@echo off
java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser-Standalone.jar
  • Double-click the run.bat, and Geyser should start up. Geyser will generate all the needed files.


  • Create a text file called run.command, and open it with a text editor such as TextEdit or TextMate. Type the text below into the run.command file:
cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser-Standalone.jar
  • Open Terminal, and type in chmod a+x (Do NOT press return!), and drag your run.command file into the Terminal.
  • Press return on your keyboard, and Geyser will start up. Geyser will generate all the needed files.


  • Create a file called, and open it with a text editor. Type the text below into your file:
cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xms1024M -jar Geyser-Standalone.jar
  • In your default terminal application, make the file executable by running chmod +x ~(dir)/ where dir is the name of the folder Geyser is in, or by changing the file permissions;
  • Open your default terminal application, and type ./ to run Geyser. Geyser will generate all the needed files.