
RakNet Amplification Attack Summary and Response

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In March, we were made aware of an exploit in the RakNet networking library used by Geyser, making Geyser instances vulnerable to use in a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) amplification attack. This bug was patched on all builds of Geyser numbered 478 and later. If you are still running an outdated build of Geyser, you should update immediately by downloading the latest build from The original security advisory for this vulnerability was published on the CloudburstMC/Network repository. This post will detail the timeline, anatomy of the attack, our response, and additional measures we have taken to prevent similar attacks in the future.

Four Years of Geyser

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Project Lead

Hi everyone,

Today is a super special day - it's Geyser's birthday 🥳. Geyser is now four years old and booyyy has it come a long way! This is a huge day for us and an incredible milestone. We're very proud of how far we've been able to come, the amount of servers Geyser has expanded the reach of, and the amazing community behind Geyser. Seeing millions of players being able to play with their Java friends is something I never dreamed Geyser would be able to do. The growth from day one has been amazing and we're all very grateful for everyone's support 💙

Not only is this a special day because it's our birthday, but we have some exiting news and sneak peeks to share with you all, alongside general updates on our project development. Continue reading for more information!

Looking back at 2022

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Project Lead


2022 for Geyser was, in comparison to other years, rather unremarkable in terms of new features. Whereas 2021 had Bedrock skin support and complete inventory support, and 2020 had movement fixes, this year felt largely like a maintenance year. I think that’s a good thing; it means we’ve reached the point where the only things left to do are bug fixes, niche features/behavior, or updates. Even so, here are some of the notable points from Geyser in 2022, and what’s next.

1.18 Release, MCProtocolLib, Refactors & More!

· crwdns28311:012crwdne28311:0
Project Lead

Hi everyone 👋

Welcome to the new Geyser blog! We’ll be posting new content here periodically about project updates, future plans, project announcements and really just miscellaneous development-related content around the Geyser project(s). These will be linked in our #blog-feed channel on Discord, so if you want to be notified when we make new posts and such, feel free to either follow the channel in your own Discord server, or turn on notifications.